your Mob of Angry Peasants
Step 1: Determine your stats by, in
descending order, rolling 3d6+1 and assigning it to the stat. (eg.
Roll for 3d6+1 Strength, then 3d6+1 for Dexterity, and so on)
Step 2: Roll (1d4+ Con Modifier
[minimum of 1]) for Hit Points
Step 3: Roll for Gear
What weapon did you bring to get
vengeance on the Countess and her monsters?
You brought... (Roll
0-8...a chair leg. (Light,
1d4 B)
9-13...a chair leg studded
with hobnails (Light, 1d6 B)
14-18...a knife. (Finesse,
Light, Thrown 20/60, 1d4 P)
19-23...a cleaver (Light,
1d4 S)
24-28...a hatchet (Light,
1d6 S)
29-33...your grandfather's
wood axe...well, sort of. You've had to replace the handle twice and
the head once. (1d6 S, Versatile [1d8])
34-49...a pitchfork.
Modern classic of peasant mobs. (1d6 P, Versatile [1d8])
50-54...a fireplace poker
(1d6 B)
55-59...a shortbow with 12
arrows (Ammunition, range 80/320, Two-handed, 1d6 P)
60-64...a quarterstaff
(1d6 B, Versatile [1d8])
65-69...darts. Bigger than
an arrow, smaller than a javelin, Murderhobo staple. You have (1d4)
of them (Finesse, Thrown 20/60, 1d4 P)
70...your fists. You ain't
never punched a witch afore! Git 'er done! (Punches deal 1d4 B)
71-73...a smith's hammer
(1d6 B)
74-76...your trusty
musket. Did I say trusty? I meant rusty. Has enough bullets and
powder for 10 shots (Ammunition, Range 40/120, Firearm, two-handed,
1d12 P )
77-79...a brace of pistols
with bullets and powder for 10 shots (Ammunition, Light, Range
30/90, Firearm, 1d10 P )
80...a greatsword. Why do
you have a greatsword? If this option has been rolled before,
re-roll. (Heavy, two-handed, 2d6 S)
81-84...a shovel
(Two-handed, 1d6 B)
85-86...a longsword (1d8,
Versatile [1d10]
87-89...a flintlock pistol
with bullets and powder for 5 shots (Ammunition, Light, Range 30/90,
Firearm, 1d10 P )
90-91...a large knife for
clearing brush (1d6 S)
92-93...a sickle (Light,
1d4 S)
94-95...a crossbow with 12
bolts (Ammunition, range 80/320, Loading, Two-handed, 1d8 P) oar
(Two-handed, 1d8 B)
98...a pickaxe
(Two-handed, 1d10 P)
99...a cavalry sabre (1d8
What did you bring to help the mob
extract justice?
You brought...Roll 1d100
0-25...a torch and the
tinderbox to light it. Classic tool of the angry peasant mob.
26-30...several torches,
in case your friends forgot (1d4+1)
31-35...a few burlap sacks
36-40...a small cask of
gunpowder (explodes to deal 3d6 fire damage to creatures within 10
feet of it. A successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw halves the
damage. Setting fire to 1d6 worth of gunpowder causes it to flare for
1 round, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for
an additional 30 feet.)
41-55...some hemp rope,
50ft of it
56...a wooden shield (+2
57...a steel helmet (+1
58...leather armour (AC
11+ Dex Mod)
59-63...a crowbar
64-65...a flask of lamp
66-67...a candelabra with
5 candles
68-69...a flask of holy
70...a ladder
71...a 10 foot pole
72...a set of manacles you
don't have keys for
73...a set of manacles you
do have keys for
74-79...a set of thieves
80...chains, 20 feet worth
81...a bucket of liquid
82...a grappling hook, but
no line
83-86...a lantern with two
flasks of oil
87-96...a tinderbox
97...your pet hound
98...a rusty breastplate
(AC 14+Dex Mod [maximum 2])
99...leather armour and an
old pot for a helmet (AC 12+ Dex Mod
What personal items are you carrying
with you?
You brought...Roll 1d100
0-10...a bible and
11...a magic wand!...or
maybe it's just a stick. The traveler who sold it to you swore it was
magic though.
12-15...your goat,
Princess. If anyone else rolls this result, they are co-owners of the
16-18...a few yards of
fine linen (1d3+1 yards)
19...a warm hat
20-25...a music instrument
of choice
26-28...1d6 pairs of
29-30...1d6 gloves
31...a change of pants
32...a silver knife
(Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60, 1d4 P)
33...your ability to
conjure a ball of sparks (Spell attack, Charisma to hit, range 20ft,
1d4 Radiant)
34-35...a bundle of
37-40...a (1d6) pound bag
of salt
41-43...two chickens on
44-45...a pound of flour impressive
collection of tattoos
47-50...a (2d4) pound bag
of nightsoil
51...a manual titled “The
Art of Herding Doves”, written in Romanian
52...a set of drama masks
53...a taxidermied monkey
54...a live (very angry)
monkey in a cage
55...just your ability to
magically conjure a single piece of wicker furniture
56-60...a string of rosary
61-65...a pouch of (1d20)
copper coins
66-68...a bucket, a bar of
soap, and a rag
69...a roast chicken
70...a paperback copy of
the novel “The Group” by Mary McCarthy, written in Esperanto
71-74...1d4 glass bottles
75... your ability to
speak with plants empty clay jug
that can hold up to 1 litre
79...a reliquary
containing the fake finger bones of a saint
80...a reliquary
containing the real finger bones of a fake saint
81...a reliquary
containing the fake finger bones of a fake saint
82...a reliquary
containing the real finger bones of a saint (can heal 1d4 HP once, if
the owner spends a round in prayer)
83...a small velvet bag
with the words “crown royal” written on it.
84...a set of wooden clogs
covered in delicately carved runes (These shoes grant advantage on
any attempt to dance)
85-90...a bible
91-95...a crucifix
96...a pamphlet called
“How to Identify a Witch- Now with Pictures!” anti-tiger charm
(When held, the character can make an opposed Charisma check to repel
98...the Countess's mail,
mostly bills
99...a tinderbox
And here are the alternate rules:
Rolling Over The Bodies
(Replaces Death Saving Throws)
When a character reaches 0 hit points,
they are in a state of flux. They are either alive and stunned, or
they are dead. If circumstances exist that death is the only option
(passing, head first, through an enormous meat grinder, for example)
then the character is dead, no questions asked. If there is an
ambiguity, then characters may attempt to Roll Over the Bodies.
If a character has some uninterrupted time with the body, without any
significant threat, their player declares they are rolling over a
downed character's body. The downed character's player then rolls a
d20. If the roll is 10 or higher, the roll succeeds and the character
stands up with 1 hit point and disadvantage on all rolls for an hour.
If the player rolls a 20, the character does not have a period of
disadvantage. Rolling below a 10 means the character's wounds were
too severe, and they are dead. Rolling over the bodies may not be
done during combat, or while currently in danger from a trap or
environmental hazard.
New Weapon Property
Firearm. Because
of the time required to load this weapon, it requires 1 round to
return this weapon to a loaded state.
In addition to
automatic success or failure on natural rolls of 1 or 20, attacks
also consult the critical tables below. To use these tables, roll
1d8, modified by your Charisma modifier.
Critical Hits
-1 or
less: Deal an additional 1d4 damage
Deal an additional 1d6 damage
You crush your foe's hand, or whatever they use to attack. They are
unable to attack next round
Your foe is disarmed and knocked prone. You deal an additional 1d4
You make an immediate, second attack for free
Critical Fumbles
-1 or
less: You've colossally fucked up. You take your normal damage +1,
disarm yourself, and fall prone
You deal your normal attack damage to yourself
Your nearest enemy has advantage on their attack against you
You disarm yourself
You slip and fall prone
The critical tables could use some work, honestly, but there you go.
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